Invention of WWW and E-commerce

Tim Berners-Lee, pictured at CERN (Image: CERN)

The World Wide Web was Invented by Tim Berners-Lee, British scientist in 1989. The Web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.

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The man who started it all was Michael Aldrich. In 1979 he invented online shopping or precisely saying a teleshopping, which become ecommerce until internet. 
It has been said that the idea emerged on the walk with his wife. They were talking about how nice it would be if they didn't have to waste the time doing shopping and instead the shopping could be delivered to them. So he came up with the idea to connect phone and TV and that's how he created a system which he named "teleshopping".


IWD Agency (no date) The history of eCommerce: How did it all begin?, IWD Agency. Available at: (Accessed: January 16, 2023). 

Tim Berners-Lee, World wide web inventor. Available at: (Accessed: January 23, 2023).


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